Download qr reader for iphone and enjoy it on your iphone, ipad, and ipod touch. „the most simple & easy qr reader - 100% free. now scans qr codes, barcodes, puzzles, business cards and documents.. Archive aztec bar barcode codabar code continuous ean extension flash formats function funentapps information inquiry itf matrix maxicode precious qrcode rss scan scanner share upc comments we don't have enough comments to generate tag clouds.. The best app to scan qr code and barcode! more than 15 types supported : qr code, barcode, datamatrix, code128, code39, ean-8, ean-13, google auth with powerful features : - products & food detailed informations - qr code detailed data cards - scan history - folders to stay organized.
Was sind qr-codes und wie nutzt man sie?
Qr scanner online scan your qr code online in your chrome, safari or firefox browser. qr-code scanner online will also work on mobile devices like android or ios.. Scan, decode, create, share with qr barcode scanner! . more than 40 millions users downloaded this premium app that scans multiple barcode formats and qr codes to automatic decode their contents. qr barcode scanner is very fast and easy to use.. Allows to read a qr code with you webcam using html5 webrtc api..