This page contains the list of device drivers for lenovo thinkpad x220 (42872wu). to download the proper driver, first choose your operating system, then find your device name and click the download button.. Free lenovo thinkpad x220 drivers for windows 7 64-bit. found 131 files. select driver to download.. Thinkpad: x series laptops > x220 - windows 7 32bit to 64bit upgrade? all forum topics; previous topic; next topic; reply. and install a fresh copy of the 64bit os and install the necessary drivers by using the lenovo system update tool. windows 7 64 bit reinstalled successfully! the activation was required over the phone but went well.
Download latest lenovo thinkpad x220 drivers for windows 7 to optimize laptop performance. by downloading the most up to date drivers for your lenovo thinkpad x220 laptop you will observe an increase in its performance.. have all drivers for windows 8, 7, vista and xp. and for windows 10, you can get it from here: windows 10 drivers download.from this website, you can find find almost drivers for the dell, acer, lenovo, hp, sony, toshiba, amd, nvidia, etc manufacturers.. X220 laptop (thinkpad) please select. back windows 7 (64-bit).